Montessori Isn’t About the Materials


Despite what picture-perfect Instagram reels might have you believe, Montessori isn’t about the materials.

While Montessori materials are necessary for an authentic Montessori classroom, you can have a Montessori home and raise your child in a Montessori way WITHOUT expensive products. 

(In fact, if your child attends a Montessori school, chances are your child’s teacher will advise you to NOT have materials at home so your child remains excited about them at school!)

So what is Montessori really about?


We want to encourage children to be independent, so we help them to do things for themselves. We set up their environment in a way that is easy for them to navigate with minimal help from adults, and involve them in the tasks of daily life. We offer as much help as necessary but as little help as possible.

Allowing time

Slowing down allows children the opportunity to observe, explore, and persevere through tasks that are challenging. Even if it’s something an adult can do in ten seconds, like put on a child’s shoes, we try to allow enough time for the child to persevere through a challenging task whenever possible.


Every child is unique. Observe your child like a scientist would: what piques their interest today? What are they struggling with? What triggered that meltdown? What activities engage them in deep concentration right now?

Following the child

Trust that your child will develop at their own pace. Provide just enough of a challenge that they can work through a task or an activity and feel a sense of accomplishment, without feeling it’s too boring and easy or impossibly difficult. Follow their interests and provide opportunities to learn more about topics they’re most drawn to.

Respect for the child

Speak and listen to children as you would an adult. Respect that they have their own wants, needs and emotions. We avoid giving rewards or punishments so that children develop an inner motivation and pride in their accomplishments. We set limits in a calm, clear, consistent way. We acknowledge their emotions and accept them for who they are.